The Red Light

While i was travelling to noida for some work, i noticed a quite uncommon activity or may be its common and i didn’t notice it before. It was mid afternoon with scorching sun and the traffic jam at the red light signal made it no better. The roof of the e-rickshaw was the only safety under the sun whereas i could feel the heat of the vehicles stuck there. While everyone’s eyes longed for green, i turned left to see a 5-6 yr old kid talking probably to his dad who was riding a scooter with the kid in the pillion seat.


As the kid said
“I think the red light is good as we can drink water and the driver can eat something.”
It surprised me for a moment, as in  why did we never thought this way. There are people who have been driving for days sometimes even years and there are people who don’t even have their personal convenience they walk, they travel by public transports.Why didn’t we think the positive way may be or may be a constructive way i should say. Then the second question popped up ‘where is it coming from, is it the home or school’ But wherever it is coming from, its good for the coming generation, its really good!
So many people behave rashly while commuting everyday. Are we so busy running that we have lost all are positivity and patience?  Each one is struggling in their lives known or unknown, so can’t we be a bit gentle and patient. Has the world become so much negative that we have lost our soul’s positivity? Or is it too late to be a human? I guess each one will have to answer for themselves.
What will happen if you have a positive outlook like this kid? How much peace will you be at? Ask yourself these questions , i am sure you will end up exploring something good about yourself.


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